Monday, January 12, 2009
Germany:Prof. Dr. Alexander Böker as new Deputy Director of DWI
The German Wool Research Institute (Deutsches Wollforschungsinstitut) in Aachen has been renamed and is now called “DWI at RWTH Aachen University Inc.“ (DWI an der RWTH Aachen e.V.). Prof. Dr. Alexander Böker is the new deputy director of DWI.
The internationally well-known textile research institute was founded in 1952 on the initiative of the German wool textile industry. Over the past years, the research topics evolved continuously. Today, DWI is a chemical research institute focussed on functional polymers, surface modification, textiles, cosmetics, and biomaterials. Concepts and active substances for new technologies are being developed at DWI.
The General Assembly of DWI stayed abreast of these changes by renaming the institute in September 2008. Via registration at the Aachen district court, the new name, “DWI at RWTH Aachen University Inc.“ (DWI an der RWTH Aachen e.V.), is now effective.
At the same time, a second department has been established at DWI. The first department of “Textile Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry” is headed by Professor Dr. Martin Möller who is the director of DWI. The RWTH Aachen University established a new professorship for “Macromolecular Materials and Surfaces” which is affiliated to the corresponding department of DWI. Professor Dr. Alexander Böker accepted to take over the RWTH professorship and thereby became head of the second department and deputy director of the DWI.
Professor Böker was born in 1973. He did his PhD at Bayreuth University in 2002 and qualified as a professor for physical chemistry in 2007. Since December 2006, he was professor for colloid chemistry in Bayreuth. From 2009 on, he is professor at RWTH Aachen University and deputy director of DWI.