A look at the season: autumn-winter 2009-2010 will be rich in harmony, the harmony of being in tune with oneself and with the environment. Rather than single notes of colour, chromatic harmonies have the role of expressing deeply significant thoughts: harmony as “positive vibrations”.
In fact it is in the seasonal colour palette that positive chromatic combinations become: - dramatic harmony (transparent intricacy), - subtle harmony (enchanted remnants), - complementary harmony (harmonious symphony), - contrasting harmony (natural armor), - striking harmony (ecstatic collision), - gentle harmony (effortless volume) pattern book (autumn-winter 2009/2010) transparent intricacy mysterious, unfathomed, seductive and futuristic. The luxury of the finest fabrics, with combinations of intense blues and browns.
Delicate emotions emerge from the depths of violet shades. Enchanted remnants by night, the human eye cannot distinguish colours: everything becomes universally dark and dim.
The atmosphere is at once simple and futuristic. Darkness is lit by optic fibres. Harmonious symphony vibrations of positive colours creating complementary harmonies, in the development of a romantic palette that includes winter pastel shades. Special effects with a mГ©lange of rich colours.
Natural armor an array of neutral colours that provide indisputable confirmation of textile quality. Discover rare fibres, unique fabrics, and appreciate the fibres’ natural colours, without altering them. Admire things for what they are, modifying them as little as possible. Ecstatic collision tonal variations, both provocative and optimistic.
Colours that blossom, sing and dance, but that also include classics such as vermilion, light navy blue, and grey. New sophistication means using colours that are not traditionally associated with a given product, or combinations of colours that one would instinctively consider as not matching at all. Effortless volume the extensive use of individual colours, or an accumulation of rich intermediate shades.
Colours are only minimally suggested, and visual impact is created by patterns and fabric technique.
With 150 years of experience behind it, Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia is one of the most well known and highly appreciated names in the textile industry. As a company highly specialised in the production and commercialisation of yarns in natural fibres for knitwear, Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia has a completely integrated vertical structure. The production cycle, including dyeing and every single treatment, is managed internally. For this reason as for many others, the company today can count on a vast production capacity, capable of delivering more than 11 million kilos of yarn each year.