With the 'Let’s talk about it!' series of lectures, the Heimtextil aims to promote the exchange of information between manufacturers, dealers and designers about the latest developments in this field. The first subject area to be covered is 'Eco Luxury – Green Business – Inno-vation'. At the invitation of Messe Frankfurt, leading representatives from trade and industry will speak about the various facets of sustain-ability in the textile pipeline.
The speakers will include experts for pro-curement, logistics, sustainability, marketing communication, corpo-rate responsibility and social compliance from trade, industry and re-search. Among the organisations to which they belong are, for exam-ple, Schoeller, Material Connexion, the Hohenstein Institutes and the Advisory Committee of the Government of the United Arab Emirates.
Experts from major trading companies, such as Metro AG, Otto Group and Arcandor, as well as consultants from Systain Consulting and Kom:pakt, will discuss the importance of sustainability in pro-curement processes, choice of supplier, presentation and marketing. The Thursday and Friday of the fair (16 and 17 January) will focus on training for dealers and retailers who, by participating in lectures and workshops, can obtain the 'Heimtextil Bedding Certificate'.
This supplementary qualification is supported by LDT Nagold – Specialist Academy for Textiles and Shoes, the Federation of German Textile Retail Trade (Bundesverband des Deutschen Textileinzelhandels – BTE), the Association of the German Down and Feather Industry (Verband der Deutschen Daunen- und Federnindustrie – VDFI) and the Chemical Fibre Industrial Association (Industrievereinigung Che-miefaser IVC).
The cooperation between the Heimtextil and LDT Nagold provides holders of the Heimtextil Bedding Certificate with certain exemptions in connection with the 'LDT Specialist Bed Advisor' qualification ('Bettenfachberater LDT').
"The aim of the lecture block is, on the one hand, to increase aware-ness among all players in the market for this subject area and, on the other hand, to present the 'practical' benefits. Within the thematic spectrum covered by the textile pipeline, lecture participants will tran-scend the hype and learn about the positive economic developments that can be achieved through orientation towards sustainable eco-nomic management", says Detlef Braun.
With this series of lectures and the presentation ceremony for the Bed Dealer of the YearAward to be given by 'Haustex' trade magazine at the 'Let's talk about it!' lecture area on 14 January, Hall 8 of Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre will be a thematic point of attraction that is sure to involve the whole household-textile sector in an animated dis-cussion.